List of All Members for Model
This is the complete list of members for Model, including inherited members.
- bounds : Bounds
- castsShadows : bool
- edgeTessellation : real
- geometry : Geometry
- innerTessellation : real
- isWireframeMode : bool
- materials : List<QtQuick3D::Material>
- pickable : bool
- receivesShadows : bool
- source : url
- tessellationMode : enumeration
The following members are inherited from Node.
- TransformSpace : enumeration
- eulerRotation : vector3d
- forward : vector3d
- opacity : real
- pivot : vector3d
- position : vector3d
- right : vector3d
- rotation : quaternion
- scale : vector3d
- scenePosition : vector3d
- sceneRotation : vector3d
- sceneScale : vector3d
- sceneTransform : matrix4x4
- staticFlags : int
- up : vector3d
- visible : bool
- x : real
- y : real
- z : real
- vector3d mapDirectionFromNode(QtQuick3D::Node node, vector3d localDirection)
- vector3d mapDirectionFromScene(vector3d sceneDirection)
- vector3d mapDirectionToNode(QtQuick3D::Node node, vector3d localDirection)
- vector3d mapDirectionToScene(vector3d localDirection)
- vector3d mapPositionFromNode(QtQuick3D::Node node, vector3d localPosition)
- vector3d mapPositionFromScene(vector3d scenePosition)
- vector3d mapPositionToNode(QtQuick3D::Node node, vector3d localPosition)
- vector3d mapPositionToScene(vector3d localPosition)
- rotate(real degrees, vector3d axis, TransformSpace space)